Thursday 29 July 2010

Sai Baba quotes

There is only one caste, the caste of humanity.
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one God, He is omnipresent.

Help ever, hurt never.

Silence will charge the battery. This is a workshop, where damaged minds and hearts come for repair or overhaul.

Education softens the heart. If the heart is hard, one cannot claim to be educated.

Haste makes waste;
Waste makes worry;
So do not be in a hurry.

Start early, Drive slowly, Reach safely.

Implant in your Heart:
1. Do not forget God.
2. Do not put faith in the world you see around you.
3. Do not be afraid.

Love is giving and forgiving.
Self is getting and forgetting.

Love all, serve all, all is God.

Instead of searching for others' faults, search for your own faults yourself; uproot them, throw them off. It is enough if you search and discover one fault of yours; that is better than discovering tens of hundreds of faults in other.

Bend the body,
mend the senses,
end the mind.

Yesterday has deceived you and gone, Tomorrow is a doubtful visitor. Today is a fast friend, hold fast to it.

Life is a dream realise it.

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